Cycle Lowestoft to Lands End

Everything you need to know about the long-distance English cycle route from Lowestoft to Lands End is here in this section.  There is is a route summary and a ride report of the whole route.  The route is also divided into sections each with details of  navigation/turns, terrain and conditions you can expect.  Do send comments and additions so this becomes a resource for all.

Lands End Sunset

LowLE Journey’s End, Truro to Land’s End Off-Road

This cycle route from Truro to Land’s End off-road is full of contrast: post-industrial wastelands and deprivation together with wild moors and glimpses of iconic Cornish beaches.  This is the final leg of a Lowestoft to Land’s End coast-to-coast route. Nicknamed #LowLE it links England’s most Easterly and Westerly mainland points . LowLE is an

LowLE Journey’s End, Truro to Land’s End Off-Road Read More »

Cyclists riding down slope towards a bay

Cycle the Jurassic Coast from Lyme Regis to Exeter

This cycle route along the Jurassic Coast from Lyme Regis to Exeter largely follows NCR2 and while it is mainly on tarmac there is some bridleway. The route described forms part of the Lowestoft to Lands End coast-to-coast route. Nicknamed #LowLE which links England’s most Easterly and Westerly mainland points . LowLE is an adventure

Cycle the Jurassic Coast from Lyme Regis to Exeter Read More »

Morgan's Hill nr Avebury

Wessex Ridgeway Off Road Cycle – Mega Challenge

From Marlborough to Lyme Regis on the Jurassic Coast this 3000 year old route is a huge off-road cycling challenge. Navigation, terrain and distance make this the longest and toughest segment on the Lowestoft to Lands End coast-to-coast route (#LowLE an adventure bike ride off-road through some of England’s finest places). You need perseverance for

Wessex Ridgeway Off Road Cycle – Mega Challenge Read More »